Below is a quick off the cuff recanting of my (6 hours outside) adventures in Portland today.
And yes, it was 85 degrees. In Maine. In March.
Portland is the most awesome town ever in the world. Today when I got there R helped me get something at CVS (saving me a lot of $ getting stuff there), then mail something at the post office only a few steps away... then I helped him and A figure some personal things out (perfect exchange of skills there... errands in exchange for therapy lol), then Ryan cut my hair as we sat in the park and listened to a street band play bluegrass.
Then they had to leave and Nate came, we talked for a bit and then Rob came, and we sat in the park for another hour talking. In T-shirts. In March. Then oh my my my , we walked down Exchange and found yet another street band, better than the first except they had a saxophone and I HATE saxophones. So we kept going, and they were doing a thing where students from the local art school took pictures of you on lower Exchange... but I was distracted by the 3rd street musician we found who was playing Beatles songs on Commercial St by the pizza place! (Man, I was torn between the 2). I tend to become incoherent when live 60s music is involved... Funny thing is I almost NEVER go right on Commercial cus there's not much there compared to going left but we did today and found this guy.
Nate ans Rob went to dinner (we had planned to split up) and I spent another HOUR listening to this guy! Nicest guy ever. Let me make all sorts of requests! Played 5 or 6 Beatles, then Henry the 8th when I asked for Herman's Hermits, some CCR, and TWO MONKEES songs in honor of Davy Jones' passing (Daydream Believer ans Last Train...) While he was changing his guitar string, he told me all about his memories of the Beatles and I quizzed him on the Beatles trivia I used to know/ask... He is the only person in my LIFE to know without hesitation the exact date the Beatles arrived here- Feb 7 64- and the exact date of their last concert ... Aug 29 1966! I remembered Aug 66 but not the date.
That was something else.
Then I did grocery shopping and played Connect with N and R at WF =) Six and a half hours outside in a row - 145pm to 815 pm - I dont believe I have ever done that in Maine except maybe the time we hiked Kathahdin?
Quite a day! I love Portland. 85 degrees out later 75 brought out all kinds of people. No humidity!
Plenty more to tell but too tired! Pictures on Facebook - soon! I am lucky to live here.
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